Just for transparency's sake, I'm using windows 7. I even tried deactivating them and going to an interior cell, the megaton home and waited for 3 or 4 days hoping that would somehow reset something and it didn't help. Sorry for not listing the full extent of my mods list, I felt it's a bit pointless seeing as I've deactivated them all and it still doesn't help. I can't play this game, won't play it, without access to the rivet city marketplace. So now I have no idea what to do to get this to work anymore. I've even turned off wanderer's edition, leaving it as *just the base game with expansions* and it crashes. I've got nearly a hundred mods and turned them all off in groups until only one mod was left activated, FO3 Wanderer's edition, and it still crashes when I try and enter. Every time I try and enter Rivet city one of the two main ways, the game crashes.